News Travels Fast

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News has always been know for traveling fast – and with today’s emerging technology we appear to be headed toward breaking the sound and light barrier.  Who would have thought years ago when CNN and ESPN introduced the continuous “crawl” at the bottom of the screen with breaking news and scores that someday we would turn our home pages into a similar crawl with RSS feeds, Tweets and Diggs.

Never has news traveled more quickly than last week surrounding the reports of Michael Jackson’s death.  The rapid buzz resulted in a Twitter overload and temporary shutdown.  Google searches were so overwhelmed the system viewed it as an attack on the Michael Jackson name and temporarily sent “error messages” and began requiring “captchas” to complete search requests.

I, like most, immediately went to my own Twitter account to see what the media had to say about the reports.   While only TMZ reported Jackson’s death, every other major news source in the country continuously updated their tweets as the story played out over the next few hours.  Following the initial report from TMZ, I also visited Scoopler to watch the “real time” conversations taking place online.  Scoopler updates were scrolling at a record pace as the online frenzy continued to reach record numbers.

Ready or not, this is the future of how quickly news will travel.

Click here to read story of Twitter crash

Click here to view Michael Jackson conversations on Scoopler

Can you Digg it?

6a00d834533d1469e2010536891085970b-800wiWhile everyone continues to follow the explosion of social media through outlets like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube, another social site you might not be as familiar with continues to gain popularity with its own twist called Digg.

Digg’s goal is to provide a place where people collectively determine the value of the content.  Digg allows users to share interesting web content, which is in turn voted and commented on by other users.  If your content is “dug” enough, it could rise to Digg’s front page.  If not, it is “buried.”

Click here to visit Digg